Empowering Health Care
& Allied Health Professionals
one experience at a time
Welcome to “A Penny Drops”. This is a digital space for Health Care Professionals to record what or how they have learned from their patients. We learn from our patients and we become better practitioners for recognising what we have learned.
Empowering Health Care
& Allied Health Professionals
one experience at a time
Empowering Health Care &
Allied Health Professionals
one experience at a time
Welcome to “A Penny Drops”. This is a digital space for Health Care Professionals to record what or how they have learned from their patients. We learn from our patients and we become better practitioners for recognising what we have learned.

Our Purpose
Recording this reflection is a powerful learning tool. In a busy working environment, one may struggle to see these learning opportunities but they do occur some of the time and, though it may not be initially obvious, we have all at times felt a penny dropping within. Sometimes it may crash to the ground in a terrifying realisation or it may be a more subtle and delayed fall but to capture this recognition is to create a rich learning opportunity.
Furthermore, you are invited to describe if the learning has changed your practice or perhaps not. Sometimes a patient encounter may simply affirm what we have already learned and recording this is also useful.
Reflection is an integral activity in our continuing professional development. When we pause to consider our actions, we sense meaning in our experience with patients especially when outcomes are not what we hoped they would be. Through reflection we may manage anxiety, release emotional stress, better manage diagnostic uncertainty and thereby create an intrinsic way to sustain ourselves so we keep going out and doing our best each day. As a result, patient safety is enhanced and the risk of professional burnout is reduced.

Collective or group reflection may reveal themes that may eventually lead to positive change in the planning of healthcare delivery.
Our website provides a supportive and safe place to share your experiences and thoughts that have occurred to you as a result.
We invite you to share your written reflection, tell us why its important to you. We thank you for your generosity in doing so and hope that you are inspired to continue your fine work by reading the reflections of others.
Is this community right for you?
Healthcare Professionals
Sharing experiences, observations, and opinions has always been an integral part of the healthcare industry. Sharing may improve patient outcomes and foster lifelong learning.
Share Your Story
By sharing our experiences with others in a supportive environment, we can access a greater understanding of ourselves and our personal narratives.
Collaborative Space
Collaborating and learning from each other's successes and challenges creates new perspectives on patient care, leading to a more robust healthcare system.
Community Driven
Connecting with like-minded people provides a sense of belonging, support, and motivation. It allows us to contribute to a collective effort, share experiences and learn from one another.
Is this community right for you?
- Healthcare Professionals
Sharing experiences, observations, and opinions has always been an integral part of the healthcare industry. Sharing may improve patient outcomes and foster lifelong learning.
- Share Your Story
By sharing our experiences with others in a supportive environment, we can access a greater understanding of ourselves and our personal narratives.
- Collaborative Space
Connecting with like-minded people provides a sense of belonging, support, and motivation. It allows us to contribute to a collective effort, share experiences and learn from one another.
- Community Driven
Collaborating and learning from each other's successes and challenges creates new perspectives on patient care, leading to a more robust healthcare system.